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The Table Project

The Table Project

Isaan Life.
Doing some gardening.
The local lake.

The primary motivation to create The Table Project was to serve as an alternative place for my parents to live or visit as they grow older. We live in a high-paced world where everything is picking up speed, moving faster and faster, and higher and higher. The Table Project is a base to slow things down a bit, and get a break from that busy world.

My father is an active man. He is now in his mid 70’s, but still he always has something going on. Whether its new business-ideas, sports-events, or some new adventure. And he plans to continue his active life as long as he can. But sometimes it is good to slow down a little bit, get some distance from all the action, and re-center a bit. The Table is intended to be that place. Somewhere to slow down the speeding mind a bit, relax, and just be with the moment without thinking about any concerns or worldly matters. It is a retreat from that high-paced life. Somewhere to recharge the batteries before going back out into the world again with renewed energy, new ideas and adjusted perspective. It’s a calming base where he has his own private space with his own belongings, and where everything is just taken care of without any hassle or stress.

Taking a bath.
Early structures.
Event with the neighbors.


Serving Needs at the Table

The idea of the Table is to take care of all everyday needs that my father and others have. Whether it is grocery-shopping, daily meals, paying utilities, growing our own organic food, cleaning and maintaining the area, and generally assisting in everyday matters, we are aiming to take care of that so that you can put your worrying aside and focus on other more important matters, such as cooking a meal with friends in the public kitchen, helping out at the farm or vegetable garden, doing some craftwork in the workshop, going for walks or bicycle rides, paddling on the lake, or just hanging out reading a book in your private area.

We also cooperate with local doctors and hospitals to ensure that emergencies and health-matters are taken care of, and we handle all bureaucratic issues such as immigration-issues and help out with any technicalities. And when you are not staying at your home at the Table we manage everything for you, and can even rent out your unit if you want to. There is basically nothing to concern oneself with besides finding some calming or fun activities to fill the day with.

Growing vegetables.
View to our local "forrest".
Learning new things.

How It Began

In 2011 we were invited to visit a small village in northeast Thailand where a Thai friend of ours was renting some farm-land. We spent a couple of days there checking out the area without thinking much about doing anything more, but we enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and spending time with the locals in the area. 

First structure. From our first night at the land.
Getting to work. Planting the first of many fruit trees.
Planting rice.

We went back again a few years later. This time we stayed in a local home, and participated in local life. We helped out farmers and small local businesses, did volunteer-work at the local temple, church and school, and joined in the various village-activities. It was this trip that triggered an interest to really do something more in the area.

Not long after some farmland we had been working on became available for sale. The location was great, and we decided to get further involved. Together with our Thai friend we purchased 5 rai of land lying next to a small lake. We decided to build a simple bamboo-structure on the land, connected electricity, and dug a couple of wells. It was a very simple set-up, but we were now able to live on the land. We spent time and effort improving the soil, and planting trees and vegetables. 

Locals. Visiting our neighbors.
BBQ Master. Helping out at a local barbecue chicken shop.
Bath time. Marius taking a bath.

The basic set-up was ok for short stays, but was a bit too simple to spend longer periods. There were no walls and occasionally the monsoon-rain would reach far inside the hut. The flooring of the hut was round bamboo-piles that rocked when we walked across the room. There was no kitchen or fridge. There was not a proper toilet, and we showered outside next to the water-well.

Kalle is in his 70’s, and climbing up and down ladders to enter and exit the elevated hut, sleeping on the bamboo floor, and using the local crouch down toilet grew tiresome. And the lack of cool drinks from a fridge was also a minus. We decided it was time to expand the project. We decided to build a proper house.

Local dinner. Our first visits to the village we had our meals with this local family.
Trying something new. Introduced to the local cuisine.
Connecting with the locals. Visits to the local school.

The reason we were triggered to spend time in the countryside in the first place was that we occasionally needed a break from the hectic modern-day life. We found that spending a week away from it all helped recharge batteries and get some perspective on things. We figured that it surely must be others around that would appreciate and benefit from the “country life” as well. And soon friends and family started asking about our project. Acknowledging the interest we decided to build not only our own “farang” (westerner)-friendly house, but also prepare for additional small structures for friends and family as well. And so began the Table Project.

Project Concepts


There are always some activities at the farm that can be joined in on, especially during the parts of the year when rice is planted or harvested. Other parts of the year it is a matter of taking care of the vegetable-garden and other fruits and plants, or feeding the chicken. There are always some activities going on that can be joined if one wants to.

We are building a workshop where one can work with one’s hand, and there is a public (western-style) kitchen for cooking food. Or you can join the Thais in cooking local foods. Or just eat and enjoy.

The area is very well suited for walks and bicycle-rides, and the lake is good for swimming or kayaking. Or there is the option of doing day-trips or volunteering at the local school or a business.

Relations with Local Community

Historically there is tradition for helping each other in the rural parts of Thailand. During harvesting-season farmers would gradually work on one paddy at a time and help each other until everyone’s rice was harvested. We aim at maintaining this attitude, and make sure that we are available to help our neighbors if they need a hand or help in other ways in accordance with tradition and customs.

We participate and help the local community in various ways, from visiting the local school and helping local businesses, to participating in local events and activities. Things that are highly appreciated by the locals. In return we live in a warm community where we are included, and helped if there are any issues.


We do not believe that everyone needs every utility by themselves. Many assets can easily be shared. From everyday items such as washing-machine to tools, bicycles and vehicles, etc. In the long run we even aim to share properties on other locations throughout Thailand in order for the habitants to have the option to travel to other destinations.

Private areas and Public Areas

Within our project we have an open feel to most areas. Each habitant has relatively small private units which includes living-room, bedroom, bathroom, storage, basic kitchen and a balcony. Further there are relatively big common areas such as common kitchen, workshop, eating and relaxation area, etc. And there is common-space for laundry and other necessary functions. And there is ofcourse big outdoor areas with walk-paths, vegetable gardens, etc.

There are no vehicles within the property. Cars and other vehicles are parked at the entrance of the land. We aim at providing housing for both long-term residents and short-term visitors within the area.


There are many concerns we have in this high-paced world we live in. Worries that affect the whole world such as climate change and extreme weather, viruses like covid-19, resource depletion and lack of sustainability, huge political gaps and conflict,s to name a few. These are concerns that also should be addressed when building a project for a “worry-free-mind”, and at the Table we are taking several precautions for also these types of makro-events and the local consequences of them.

Safe Land

Safe Land means a safe place to live away from disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, flooding, etc, and with constant access to clean water and food.

Not only is Thailand far away and a safe place from most disasters, but our region is also the most safe place in the country far away from active fault lines that causes earthquakes and no concerns for landslides or sinkholes, tsunamis or hurricanes. Storms tend to pass through Isaan, and flooding is rarely severe. Our location is specifically chosen to not be affected in case of flooding.

Safe Houses

We are also making sure that our constructions are solid and prepared for everything. Our main structures has been referred to as “100 year houses” because of the massive steel reinforced concrete foundations. We are also making sure that windows and doors are of proper quality and can maintain temperatures, and we build everything in order to get the correct air-flow for cooling during hot season and natural lighting.


In regards to electricity we are both on-grid and off-grid. We are using local power-supply from Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand, but we are also making sure that we are self-sustainable in regards to energy for the vitals from our own solar-systems, and that we have functioning electric generators available for worst-case-scenarios.


Water is a matter that we are taking very seriously, and we are going to great length to ensure that our various water reservoir capabilities are beyond normal needs. We are also installing water-filters to ensure that drinking-water is always accessible, and we are creating proper water-treatment-systems so that even waste-water will come to its best use.

Growing our own food

There are modern supermarkets within 10 km of the land, but we are also aiming at being self-sustainable in regards to the basic food-needs. We have our own rice-fields, grow our own organic vegetables, and we have chicken coups and fish dams at the land.

Aging population

The world is getting older, and we think that Thailand and especially Isaan (northeast Thailand) is a great place to get old. The locals in Isaan are famous for their hospitality and willingness to be of help, and there are many people ready to assist us as we grow older and more help is required. We are also making sure that there are small pathways throughout the land for convenience, and all houses are aging-friendly.

Cooperation with local health authorities

We are establishing close relations with local and regional hospitals, and we are aiming at having regular doctor-visits to the resort at a future point for check-ups and health concerns our habitants may have.

Craftworks at our current workshop.
Planting rice with the locals.
Cooking with the locals.
Growing our own food.
Harvest time.
Solid constructions.

Who is SiamNordic?

SiamNordic is a Property Developer established in Thailand for over 20 years. Our focus in on building community. After working for many years in the mainstream tourist-hubs of Thailand we are now building our newest projects on the countryside of genuine Thailand.

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What is the Table Project?

We are making a new project on the countryside of northeast Thailand. Click here to read about the Table Project.

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